Classes are pay as you go at £2 per class (equivalent in your currency)


All NO COST to subscribers at £5.95 per month (equivalent in your currency)

Subscribers can cancel any time - no penalty


(B) Beginner. Learn to feel or mobility classes. Improve strength and flexibility.

(S) Deep stretch and restorative classes. Relax and stretch.

(F) Flow. Move fluidly through guided sequences to condition and increase flexibility. 

(W) Yoga stretch, tone and relax. Increase energy levels, workout a little, increase strength and flexibility.

(R) Relaxation

"Feel free to skip or modify postures or to rest in child's pose and reconnect with your breath at any time during a class."

Pick a class from the scrollable list below. Click on it to put it in the player. Click the play button. You can choose to subscribe or pay as you go. If you already subscribe enter your password or ticket.